Monday, March 12, 2018

Capital One Jobs on Facebook??

Help Wanted on Facebook

Recently in the last year or so, I have noticed different Federal agencies post employment openings using Facebook. A few days ago I noticed that Capital One was also posting employment opportunities on Facebook. The campaign felt out of place but as I thought about it further, it seemed like it was  great place to post positions.

The reason of it attracting people being that maybe people spend alot of time on social media sites. Many people spend quite a bit of time on Facebook. But the idea I thought about was that those who are at work ussually jump on Facebook at work, then it dawned on me. Why do employees spend time on Facebook while at work? The answer is that they are unhappy with their jobs or bored not feeling challenged enough or just do not care.

The adds give those individuals an opportunity to make a snap decision and take advantage of that add. While we are at work and say we are unhappy. It is still time consuming and or can be difficult to look for another job, but if the job comes to you how likely are we that we would take the opportunity and apply.

I can see this to be an effective campaign targeting those who are unhappy with their work and looking to make a change as well as those who do not  have employment. Their target audience range is probably 18 to 40 year old male and or female individuals with High school diploma but college degree preferred. If I was in the actively seeking target group I feel that I would take advantage but I do have to admit that it makes alot of sense.


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